Our real and replica Roman artefacts
I bring along a wide range of real and replica Roman artefacts for pupils to either handle or wear to enhance their learning and knowledge of the period as follows (while they can handle everything those highlighted are specifically wearable by pupils in the workshops activity a soldier's life):
Replica Roman Soldier kit
Lorica Segmentata (ie metal plate) armour
Lorica Hamata (ie chainmail) armour
Lorica Hamaa (ie chainmail) shoulder piece
Scutum shield
Gallea soldier's helmet
Caligae soldier's sandals
Gladius sword
Balteus belt
Focale scarf
Fibula brooch
Paenula cloak
Furca carrying pole
Loculus leather kit bag
Sponge on a stick
Hard tack bread and net bag
Lead folded message to the Gods
Wax tablet
Strigl (for scraping sweat from a soldier!)
Copper spoon
Drop wool spinner

Timeline and spear task equipment
Various wigs
soft tipped foam spears
hessian targets
Plastic shields
Plastic helmets
Various teaching props
Roman artefacts used in the sorting task (ALL GENUINE 2000 YEARS OLD!)
Bronze rings
Bronxe brooches
Bronze belt buckles
Various coins
Spear tip
Arrow tip
Roman soldier's bone dice (very rare!)